Change of opening hours of the Info Point from 02 November 2023

Dear students, staff and guests,

we would like to inform you that the Studierendenwerk Kaiserslautern will adjust the opening hours of the Info Point in Building 30 (Mensa) from November 02, 2023. The new opening hours will apply from Monday to Friday and are as follows:


11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


This adjustment will allow us to maintain our service efficiently and at the usual level, while optimizing the workflow of our team. Outside the above opening hours you can

  • change money at the cash desks of the Cafeteria Atrium,
  • obtain and return a chip card for guests at the cash desks of the Cafeteria Atrium.

For more answers to questions about the chip card, flyers, and other concerns, visit

We hope this new arrangement continues to meet your needs and are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. You can also reach us during the new opening hours at the Info Point by calling 0631 205 4961.

We thank you for your understanding and look forward to welcoming you at the Info Point.