Every single contribution counts

"Fair to man and nature" - we are committed to this motto and want to improve upon it every day.

This is especially true for everything concerning food, drink and gastronomy. Help us to ensure that this succeeds.

Here are some campaigns and projects with which we would like to contribute to health, environmental awareness and sustainability:

Our initiatives for more sustainability

Reusable to go

If you don't want to eat in the cafeteria, you can repackage your meal in the reusable Eco-Lunchbox and enjoy it "to go". The boxes are available for a 25 euro deposit at the Infopoint and at our Bistro 36.

There are also reusable cups for coffee "to go", which you can get for a 5 euro deposit at the Infopoint and at our Bistro 36. An alternative are disposable cups for 0,10 Euro, which are biodegradable.

Of course, you are welcome to bring your own food and beverage containers.

Fair trade coffee

Breaktime at last, now for some coffee! Enjoy it in one of our cafeterias or outdoors. Since 2013, we offer only fair-trade and certified organic coffee. Organic fair-trade coffee is available at all coffee stations on campus. The environmentally and socially responsible production of coffee beans is an important matter to us.

Sustainability through short routes

We live and study in a region where many food products are grown. And we want to take advantage of this by relying on many regional suppliers in order to keep transport routes as short as possible and to minimize emissions that are harmful to the environment. The range of vegetables, fruits and salads is then first cleaned in the mensa kitchen and arrives fresh on your plates.

Europäische Masthuhn-Initiative (broiler initiative) – we are on board

The Studierendenwerk Kaiserslautern is committed to sustainability. Another cornerstone on the way there is animal welfare. That is why we support the Europäische Masthuhn-Initiative (European Broiler Initiative). The aim of the initiative is to call for and implement measures that address the most serious animal welfare problems, particularly with regard to the keeping of broiler chickens. These include lower stocking densities, limiting overbreeding, and minimum standards for light and adequate picking facilities.

Until meat is available that meets all the criteria of the European Broiler Chicken Initiative, the Studierendenwerk Kaiserslautern will make use of similar offers and successively expand their share in the assortment.


No products from battery farming

We do not use shell eggs or liquid eggs from caged hens in our canteens and cafeterias, and we only use free-range eggs. The main requirement was that free-range eggs do not pose an increased risk of food poisoning (salmonella, etc.). By pasteurizing the eggs, pathogenic germs, primarily salmonella, are killed.

Finished products such as cakes, cookies and bars are difficult to control, so we don't include these.

Here you can find more information about the cage-free initiative, which, fortunately, almost all student unions have now joined: www.kaefigfrei.de


Fish from species-appropriate husbandry and stock-conserving fishing.

We support sustainable and certified fishing: We only process fish and seafood from species-appropriate husbandry and stock-conserving fishing or farming. Therefore, we only offer sea fish from sustainable fisheries.

Abstaining from Gen-Food

Genetically modified food does not fit into the philosophy of our Studierendenwerk. Therefore, we do not knowingly process genetically modified food (GMO) in our dining halls and cafeterias. We aggressively advocate this requirement to our suppliers and also change our recipes or change suppliers if deemed necessary.

Further information on the subject of "Food"