Insurance coverage for foreign students

At, foreign students can take out health and liability/accident insurance coverage online for their stay in Germany.. A corresponding framework contract has been agreed upon with our umbrella organization, the Deutsches Studentenwerk.


Tel: 05231/603-6487
E-Mail: info(at)

Insured against theft

You had a personal item stolen on the campus of the TUK or the University of Applied Sciences?

We will replace a stolen item on the university premises or at university events up to an amount of 300 € per claim. A prerequisite for this is the police report confirming the theft. The insurance covers all items of personal use, in particular clothing, learning materials, briefcases and visual aids. Cash expenses for the replacement of ID cards and vehicle registration papers are also reimbursed.

Cash and other means of payment (e.g. student ID), tickets, bicycles, vehicles, vehicle accessories, jewelry, cell phones, laptops and other valuables are not replaced.

Point of contact is:

Gerlinde Bernath

E-Mail: g.bernath[at]

Further information on the subject of "Counseling"